This site is operated by a third party, not by Costco. Use of this site (and any
destination sites you reach through this site) is subject to the site’s Terms
of Use and Privacy Policy, rather than those of Costco.
Based on your selection, we believe your account number is different from what you
originally entered. Your financial institution uses
digit account number for the check sample that you selected.
Account numbers can be easily overlooked because:
Financial institutions may use more numbers than you may commonly reference.
Financial institutions often print your account number with spaces and symbols.
The check account information you provided does not match our format. This may be
due to a new or retired bank format. If you have any questions, you can contact
us at
(855) 556-5283.
The check account information you provided does not match our format. This may be
due to a new or retired bank format. One of our account specialists will determine
the correct format for you. If you have any questions, you can contact us at
(855) 556-5283.
Please select the sample image that contains the exact numbers, symbols and spaces
as printed on the bottom of your existing check.
*Please choose one of the options below before clicking 'Continue'
The online check preview will display your account information in a generic format.